Tuesday, 20 March 2012

AIX 6 & AIX 7 Day Light Saving - March 25th

URGENT: Recent AIX 6 & AIX 7 Day Light Saving Time Fix for this weekend
Many countries switch to Daylight Saving Time (DST) next weekend March 25th - unfortunately you may need to apply a fix to
AIX 6 and AIX 7 before the change or programs can get inconsistent time from various time function and systems calls.
This could have a major impact on many tools, for example, make, logs and databases ... well just about anything that uses a time value.

There was an earlier temporary fix available but now there is a fully details final fix. Please got to the bellow website for all the details:

    * http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg3T1013017&myns=paix61&mync=E

Very briefly this involves the following AIX levels (see the website above for the definitive list):

    * AIX 7 TL1 all service packs (i.e. 1 to 3)
    * AIX 6 TL7 all service packs (i.e. 1 to 3)
    * AIX 6 TL 4, 5, 6 - only some recent service packs
    * Other levels are NOT effected and do NOT require any action

 AND only if you are using POSIX time zones - again more info on the website above.

 Then you will need to either install a small downloadable Emergency Fix (efix) and REBOOT - - O R - -  switch to Olson Time and REBOOT.

My systems are at the effect AIX level but I am using Olson time:

    $ echo $TZ

POSIX time looks like GMT0BST - see the website above for examples.